The weather is really quite nice right now here in Arizona. It's easy to fall into the misconception that it must be nice at home too. But it's not.
This time of year dad and I are about a month away from returning to Indiana for the summer. I start counting the days and looking forward to getting back to 'the farm'. It's also time to buy grocery items in smaller quantities so I don't have a bunch of stuff to throw out or give away, make a to do list of things that have to be done to close up the house, and so forth.
I really start to get excited to go home to the country and my flowers, screen porch and cats. I haven't seen my two grown kids in nearly 8 months and since they didn't come out to visit this year, I'm anxious to see them, I miss them!
Unfortunately, this year things are much more 'up in the air'. I don't know where dad and I are going to go. 'Home' is a bit crowded right now. Mr. Fix-it's daughter, baby and Rottweiler are still living there and it sounds like the daughter's fiance will be moving in about May as well. Also, since dad and I left last October, Mr. Fix-it's grown son has moved home too.
Dad will be 83 in June. I don't talk about him much but he is diabetic, has Parkinson's, Heart disease and his short-term memory is not good. He can't live alone. He sleeps a lot too.
Mr. Fix-it's granddaughter is 18 months old and much more active than when dad and I left last fall. Suffice it to say that to go home will put a BIG strain on everyone. Not to mention the fact that I have a really hard time finding an aide to come in and help with dad because we live in such a rural area.
There seems to be no easy solution. Dad doesn't want to spend the summer here in the heat and I don't want to either. At home, there are no houses to rent on a month to month basis. I might be able to rent an apartment but dad is not an apartment kind of guy and I think it will be confusing for him. He's had some trouble this winter remembering where we are. He enjoys sitting on my screen porch, watching the cats and the farmer working the fields around us.
So....I sit here in a quandary trying to figure out what to do. I do know we won't be going anywhere until the first of June. Hopefully something will work out by then.
It's not easy. My mom, who has been gone 5 years now, would always say, "Life isn't fair and it isn't easy". I sure wish she was here to help me with this one!
Spring Fling ~
12 hours ago