Wednesday, December 1, 2010


I'm a bit 'off' today.  The dictionary describes the word, 'off' as: down, away or out.  The Thesaurus describes it as:  absent, finished, inoperative.   I would say all of those descriptions pretty much describe the way I feel today.  

It really kind of all started when dad got sick.  Then, on Sunday afternoon we took my youngest brother to the airport.  I hated to see him go and so did dad, it makes me sad and, dare I say it, lonely too.  It's not that Dad and I don't get along, we do, but I know he misses the company of males.  

My brother Kurt arrived home in Indianapolis around 11:30pm which is 9:30pm Arizona time.  He'd had a bit of turbulence getting into Indy and it made him a bit queasy which is unusual for him but he didn't think much about it.  Funny thing was, I was starting to feel 'queasy' about the same time!

By the time I got in bed, I was full bore sick.  I don't ever remember being so sick and feeling so cold and hurting all over so fast.  At one point I thought I was going to pass out in the bathroom and all I could think about was, I can't be sick I have to take care of dad.  That and he can't help me if I pass out nor would he even know!.  It was a bit frightening actually.  Since I had a flu shot, I assumed that maybe I had food poisoning especially when I didn't remember dad saying he was cold or hurting when he was sick.  

Some how I made it through the night and felt a little better the next morning.  I was able to get dad's breakfast and meds and deal with the three, yes three, dogs that I also happen to be boarding at the same time!  I sent my brother a text saying I hope he didn't get sick but didn't think he would as I 'thought' I had food poisoning from something that I knew he hadn't eaten.  Oddly I never heard back from Kurt until late last night when he called.

He hadn't gotten the text I sent because he'd been home in bed sick all day with the same thing I had.  Said he'd never hurt so bad and been so cold either!  Kurt had gotten a flu shot several months ago as well.   So much for flu shots I guess!  

Thank goodness the worst part passed fairly quickly for all but I just can't seem to get fully back into the swing of things.  I have so much to do.  I am supposed to be making homemade dog biscuits as well as some Christmas dog bling for collars and leashes to sell at our community craft fair on Saturday.  

I am going to try and pull myself together and get something done, but I feel like I'd rather do what two of my boarders are doing in the picture below!!! I or don't I......that is the question!


  1. I totally understand your feeling of panic when you got sick. As you know, my 80 yr old Aunt helps me care for Mom at home. Last month all 3 of us came down with that flu at the same time. It was scary - we could barely look after each other. Fortunately a family friend brought food into us for 2 days until I was at least semi-functional.

  2. Sorry that you are still feeling down Karen and that you and your family got sick. I sure hope that you will feel well soon. Take care, JB


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